Monday, February 21, 2011

A Peek at my Sketchbook


Just a fun drawing in my sketchbook. I scanned it into Photoshop as a simple sketch, cleaned it up a little bit, then played with the saturation and added a background color. I love giraffes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First Blog Entry?

So I guess this is my new blog. Here is where I'll post some of my artwork, works in progress, and other stuff.
Let me introduce myself! I'm Jess, but you can call me Julitz. I come from a very, very small town in upstate New York, though after a long time thinking about it and a lot of consideration, I moved to Manhattan (I get the cliche- moving from a small town to a big city). I'm an artist attending art school, where I study Cartooning (but not really, because all cartooning majors here take a foundation year of generic art classes. I actually envy my Animation major friends because they have major-specific classes and they're learning what they came here to learn).
I am currently working on a comic and drawings, but that's about it.
I guess that's all for now.